Practice Areas

Our law firm may pro­vide legal ser­vices in civ­il, crim­i­nal and admin­is­tra­tive cas­es. The range of our activ­i­ties extends indicatively:

• Civ­il law:
‑Indebt­ed households
‑Suc­ces­sion law (cer­tifi­cate of inher­i­tance, tax dec­la­ra­tion, etc.)
‑Prepa­ra­tion of con­tracts (Pur­chase-sale-loan-dona­tion-with­draw­al of dona­tions etc.).
‑Divorce-alimo­ny-child cus­tody-mat­ri­mo­ni­al prop­er­ty issues after the divorce.
‑Dam­ages actions for car accidents.
‑Issuance of pay­ment orders.
‑Real estate.

• Crim­i­nal law:
‑Rep­re­sen­ta­tion before judi­cial authorities
‑Prepa­ra­tion of lawsuits-calls
‑Draft­ing of apol­o­gy mem­os – doc­u­ments of explanations
‑Draft­ing of appeals in all stages of crim­i­nal procedure
‑Merg­er of sen­tences, con­ver­sion of sen­tence, dele­tion of crim­i­nal records
‑Delin­quen­cy of minors

• Pub­lic Law:
-Civ­il ser­vice law (appeals-requests for annul­ment-objec­tions to the admin­is­tra­tion and admin­is­tra­tive courts-actions for dam­ages against the State-appeals against deci­sions of the offi­cial councils).
‑Dossier prepa­ra­tion and con­tin­u­ous legal sup­port for par­tic­i­pa­tion in pub­lic pro­cure­ment competitions.
‑Edu­ca­tion­al law (sec­on­ments-tran­fers-dis­ci­pli­nary issues-issues of incompatibility).
‑Recog­ni­tion of diplo­mas (Hel­lenic NARIC etc)

• Mil­i­tary law:
‑Objec­tions-appeals-requests for annul­ment-appeals in mat­ters of:
‑Spe­cial Payroll
‑Inter­na­tion­al compensation

• Labor-Insur­ance:
‑Legal cov­er­age of employ­ees and employers.
‑Ret­ro­spec­tive claims of pub­lic sec­tor pensioners

• Com­mer­cial-Cor­po­rate law:
‑Estab­lish­ment – dis­so­lu­tion of Com­pa­nies S.A./LTD/Gen­er­al part­ner­ships, Lim­it­ed part­ner­ships, Pri­vate Companies
‑Legal cov­er­age of employ­ers and employees.

• Mar­itime Law:
‑Mar­itime labor cases
‑Estab­lish­ing of mar­itime companies
‑Registration/​purchase of ships
‑Char­ter parties
‑Pro­vi­sion­al seizure of ships

• Cas­es L. 3869/​2010 (indebt­ed households)

• Tax-econ­o­my:
‑Any nature

• Con­sult­ing
‑In all the afore­men­tioned areas, advi­so­ry legal sup­port and con­sul­ta­tion with the par­ties and all inter­est­ed par­ties is exer­cised, for the ben­e­fit of the client, in order to avoid a time-con­sum­ing and cost­ly recourse to the courts.

• Sup­port-con­sult­ing:
‑Busi­ness formation
‑Headquarters/​transportation etc.

• For­eign Law:
‑Issue/​renewal of res­i­dence permits
‑Motions for can­cel­la­tion and sus­pen­sion of rejec­tion deci­sions on res­i­dent perim­its and return.
‑Objec­tions against detention
‑Entry Visas-revocations

• Trans­la­tion-Ver­i­fi­ca­tion in Eng­lish and French and vice versa.