About Us

Our law firm was found­ed in the year 1974 by Niko­laos Miskis, tit­u­lary lawyer at Piraeus Bar Asso­ci­a­tion and con­tin­ues its oper­a­tion until today by his sons Sta­ma­tios Miskis, lawyer at Supreme Court and Menelaos Miskis, lawyer at Court of Appeals.
Sta­ma­tios Miskis, who is a grad­u­ate of the Athens Law School and holds a mas­ter’s degree in “Civ­il law” in the Depart­ment of Law of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens, with a grade of “excel­lent”, was appoint­ed lawyer at Piraeus Bar Asso­ci­a­tion οn 7/​1/​2000. Since then he has been prac­tic­ing law, deal­ing main­ly with civ­il, com­mer­cial, labour and crim­i­nal law issues, as well as issues of mar­itime and admin­is­tra­tive law, and has been work­ing as a legal coun­selor to a ship­ping com­pa­ny, where he had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deal with spe­cial issues of mar­itime com­pa­nies (n. 959/​79), by draw­ing up com­mer­cial con­tracts (ship­build­ing agree­ments, char­ter­par­ties, mem­o­ran­dums of coop­er­a­tion, loan agree­ments with col­lat­er­al, trans­fers of shares, etc.), by mon­i­tor­ing and observ­ing the min­utes of the board of Direc­tors and gen­er­al Assem­blies of off­shore com­pa­nies (Pana­ma and Mar­shall Islands), cor­po­rate law issues of pub­lic lim­it­ed com­pa­nies, bank­ing and labour law, as well as sale real estate issues.
He has suc­cess­ful­ly han­dled a mul­ti­tude of cas­es of all jurisdictions.
He was pro­mot­ed to lawyer at the Piraeus Court of Appeals on 13/​1/​2004 and at the Supreme Court on 16/​9/​2008.
He also holds a cer­tifi­cate of Pro­fi­cien­cy in Eng­lish and a French lan­guage (Diplôme d ’ Études Supérieures).